Grindhouse Separated?


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Does it make sense for the Weinsteins, after falling so short of box office expectations due (they believe) to the extended running time of Grindhouse, to release both movies that made up the double feature as separate entities for U.S. audiences?

According to Harvey Weinstein in an interview posted on Deadline Hollywood, yes, it would.

Personally I’m not against the idea. Hell, it played as a double feature and no one got it, but at least we got to see it the way the filmmakers intended. How often does that happen these days? Plus the Weinstein brother said if Planet Terror and Death Proof were put out on their own, they’d get additional footage that we haven’t seen yet. Yes, please!

The question is one of cost. They’d have to re-market both movies as separate films, hope there’s enough time to get them out there before the juggernaut that is Spider Man 3 hits next month and figure out what they’re going to do to make back all the money they’ve already spent on it.

We’ll keep our ears and eyes open and let you know when we hear more. As you should be aware, both films already have planned separate DVD releases as well, so perhaps a move like this could work in the discs’ favor, as well. And be sure to hit the link above to read the entire article; good stuff!

Johnny Butane

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