‘Zine Review: HorrorHound #6


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HorrorHound #6 review!Issue # 6
Summer 2007

It’s been a while since I’ve gotten my hands on an issue of HorrorHound, the latest upstart horror magazine that’s got a very distinct edge no one else has come close to yet. Finally I managed to check out the latest issue, with that badass Grindhouse artwork on it, and I’m happy to report some marked improvements since the last time I reviewed the mag.

Since the issue has been out a while, I skipped over most of the news section, which had info on movies like The Hills Have Eyes 2 and Zodiac which have already been out for a while, and plunged right into the Grindhouse feature. Though it begins as a rundown of how the film came to be and its influences, it’s immediately followed by interviews with Planet Terror star and consummate badass Michael Biehn and Death Proof crazy man Kurt Russell, both of them damn fun to read. You really get the impression that these two loved being involved with something like this; how could you not?

A feature on NECA’s Grindhouse toys is next, followed by a rundown of even more kickass collectibles either on their way or coming to stores soon, with a special focus on Mezco’s amazing lineup they announced the New York Toy Fair.

Then we get to the second great reason to pick this issue up; an extensive, in-depth and quote-filled article on Fred Dekker’s masterpiece, The Monster Squad. Almost everyone who was involved with the film gets their say in this piece and its author, Nathan Hanneman, put it all together in a very sexy package that made me want to give this sucker another spin even though I just watched it again recently. The best thing about HorrorHound’s feature pieces, though, are the images of long-forgotten movie memorabilia for the film, including a slew of international posters and promo shots.

Following the Monster-filled goodness is another top-notch article, possibly the best written in the entire issue. Tall Paul (the same guy working on the American Werewolf in London documentary we last told you about right here) examines the history of horror at the Oscars. Though our genre has never gotten the respect it deserves by the stuffed shirts who run the Academy, some horror still cleans up pretty well at the annual event. Definitely worth a read!

Then, of course, there’s Horror’s Hallowed Grounds; a condensed version this time of Sean Clark’s Night of the Creeps location hounding (read the full version here), which looks just as good on paper as it does online. Some would say even better!

A bit about the latest horror comics and a look back on Peter Jackson’s Brain Dead, which features an interview with two of the stars (very good touch) follows, leading into a new artist spotlight; Casey Love. This man’s creations are beyond impressive and I commend the HH staff for getting their hands on him, especially considering how busy he seems to be.

If reading an entire article about a guy whose spent most of his life making masks isn’t enough to inspire you to try it yourself, perhaps Monte Ward’s “Making of a HorrorHound” will help. This column gives a step-by-step on the creation of a very kick ass mask done especially for the magazine. Reminds me of the good old days of horror mags, it does.

A very solid issue for the HorrorHound crew this time out. They’re definitely getting better and better with each subsequent outing and I think before long will become some serious competition for the Big Boys considering their focus on both old and new horror, as well as being avid collectors and old-school makeup effects fans of the highest degree.

Seek out HorrorHound at better bookstores everywhere and be sure to visit HorrorHound’s official site for even more info on the magazine!

Johnny Butane

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