Fright Night Remake Coming at Us in 3D?

You know what’s sad? Here in the Dread Central offices we’ve always loved 3D. When used correctly, it’s a campy and fun experience, but now Hollywood is looking to cram the effect down our throats any chance they get whether a movie is filmed in 3D or not. The next potential flick to get the jump off the screen treatment? The remake of the Tom Holland classic Fright Night. Sigh.
Buried in an article over on Variety are rumors of DreamWorks talking about bringing us the toothy redux in 3D. So the question beckons … does that turn you on or off? Be heard below.
The new version, directed by Craig Gillespie, sticks to the original concept of a teen (Anton Yelchin) being convinced that his new neighbor is a vampire, though no one will believe him.
Colin Farrell has the plum role of the vampire, named Jerry, who on the surface appears to be a cool guy but is really preying on the neighborhood. Chris Sarandon played the role in the 1985 pic.
Toni Collette is Yelchin’s mom, who at first disapproves of the new arrival but changes her attitude when she meets the magnetic man and — surprise — doesn’t believe her son when he tries to tell her Jerry is a vampire.
Keep it here for more on Fright Night as it comes.
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