Barker Out of Movies


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Some of the hundreds of paintings Clive's doneIf there’s one thing Clive Barker’s been known for over the years it’s being the King of unrealized projects. Most of this likely has to do with forces completely out of his control, but I’m sure some of it can be attributed to the fact that the man just has too much going on at any one time.

Which is why it was no surprise to me when Phil & Sarah over at Clive Barker’s official site posted their latest interview with the man, in which he revealed that he is cutting back on his involvement with Seraphim Films in order to preserve some sanity. “I would never pitch a project again, I decided,” Clive told them. “I would never go to a studio to pitch a project – if they wanted to come to talk to me about something, then of course, I would listen, but my pitching days, with all the anxiety attached to them, and then often the sense that it wasn’t really worth the effort you put in anyway, or else the idea you find is stolen from you and used somewhere later – which has happened to me countless times – I’m just over that.”

And really, that’s probably not a bad thing at all and will hopefully leave more time for Clive to finish working on his long-delayed Abarat series, as well as the final adventures of Pinhead, Scarlet Gospels, a novel he’s been working on for years that he’s had to step away from a few times because of its overall dark tone. That’s good for us horror fans, of course, or at least will be when the book is finally done. Personally, though, I’d rather have a healthy Clive than an evil novel any day of the week.

Check out the full, massively in-depth interview the way only Phil & Sarah can do it right here for a lot more!

Johnny Butane

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