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Masters of Horror creator Mick GarrisWe’ve been trying to keep track of all the goings-on with the latest series of Masters of Horror, and things are moving fast in the production camp now that roughly half of Season 2 is in the bag.

The production team is on a well earned two-week break now according to Fangoria with Mick Garris and Stuart Gordon (among others) set to helm their episodes once the hiatus is over. Gordon’s, of course, is the Jeffrey Combs-starring adaptation of Poe’s “The Black Cat” while Garris is working from a treatment written by Clive Barker specifically for the show called “Valerie on the Stairs.” “It’s about an unpublished writer who gets an opportunity to move into an apartment building that is peopled only with unpublished writers and his experiences when he finds a beautiful young woman named Valerie crying on the stairs,” Garris told the site. “It’s sort of a ghost story that takes a very, very different twist. We haven’t done a ghost story in the series yet, and this—as you might imagine, being concocted by Clive—is a very twisted, sexual one.”

Sounds like the sort of thing I would pay to see! I also want to mention briefly that Fango also learned that Stuart Gordon’s latest film, Edmond (review), will be hitting DVD on October 3rd from Vivendi Visual Entertainment. Commentary and a making-of doc are some of the features planned for the disc.

Johnny Butane

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