Halloween Trailer Now Online!


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Rob Zombie's HalloweenSo … it turns out you don’t have to go see Grindhouse (review here) (although I can’t imagine why you wouldn’t if only to check out the most badass double bill to hit theatres in years) to get an eyeful of the trailer for Rob Zombie’s Halloween.

This is one of those rare moments in which I heart the Internet!

The folks over at Yahoo Movies nailed down the online exclusive, and I couldn’t be happier. Now I can watch it over, and over, and over! Just click here and enjoy the evil!

This trailer (running a minute and a half; thank god it’s not just a thirty-second teaser) should do a lot to silence at least some of the naysayers out there. Judging from it, this is gonna be the real fuckin’ deal. Look for Rob Zombie’s Halloween to open wide on August 31st, 2007.

For more info visit our Halloween archive here!

Uncle Creepy

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