A Message from Chas.

Yesterday when the news broke that horror icon Chas. Balun is battling cancer, horror fans world wide started sending him some good vibes through e-mail, etc., and those very vibes have hit their intended mark.
I heard from Chas. today, and he asked me to pass along a message to you all …
“I am truly humbled to be treated with such respect, kindness and good will. Please thank all those who’ve taken the time to send me their heartfelt best wishes — it is very inspiring and comforting to know that you’re held in such high regard by folks you’ve never even met.”
He also went on to say that his chemotherapy is going well and that doctors have said his prognosis is “pretty good”. While that is great news, let’s not breathe a sigh of relief just yet. One of our own has a very long road in front of him. Keep the love flowing.
Send him your messages @:
Chas. Balun
PO BOX 10155
Westminster, CA 92685-0155
Or e-mail him at:
[email protected]
Rock on, Chas. Rock on!
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