Horror Guru Chas. Balun Battling Cancer

Sometimes reporting the news can be heart wrenching. Right on the heels of the tragic death of Bob Clark comes the news that Chas. Balun is now in a fight for his life.
The following was posted at Rue Morgue by their editor Jovanka:
“It has come to my attention that legenday writer/artist Chas. Balun, has been diagnosed with inoperable cancer. He is currently undergoing chemotherapy at a hospital in California, and could use your support. I encourage you to write to him, via e-mail or snail mail, to let him know the horror community is pulling for him. Chas. has been a fixture in the genre for many years and was responsible for turning many people I know on to horror. We’re a small community and need to be there for each other, especially during times of need. Please take the time to let him know you care. Kind words can sometimes give people the hope they need to fight terrible illnesses.”
Chas. is an incredible guy that has done a lot for our genre. The time has come to give back to the man by offering our support. Please take a moment to contact him @:
Chas. Balun
PO BOX 10155
Westminster, CA 92685-0155
Or email him at:
[email protected]
We’re with you all the way, brother. Stay strong. Good luck.
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