Resident Evil Overload

Japanese magazine Famitsu have further unwrapped Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles with some screens and some new tidbits of information that are equal parts encouraging and worrying. First of all, the worrying part: At least part of the game looks to be a light gun styled rail shooter.
A very nice looking light gun shooter mind you, and speaking as someone who likes that kind of game I’m not too worried myself, but a lot of people are remembering the Gun Survivor series and tightening up their expectations.
The screenshots mostly show areas and enemies from the mansion and it’s looking very close to how it looked on the GameCube remake, only now in real time. The shadows aren’t as detailed, but for it to be as close and be in real time … well it’s certainly one of the best looking Wii games that we’ve seen to date.
Chris, Jill, Rebecca, Billy and Wesker all look to be playable characters… but the game is meant to have more than one mode (a mode that is a recap of the series and a mode that fills in the gap between Resident Evil: Code Veronica and Resident Evil 4). Whether or not both of these modes are going to be light gun style has yet to be confirmed, but we should no more next week when Capcom further pull the curtain back on the game at their Gamers Day event in Japan, where press and public will get to play the game.
But that isn’t all … oh no. Far from it.
Since last week there’s been a rumor bubbling away quietly that Resident Evil 4 was heading to the Wii this summer. The game started to show up on various online retailers with a June release date and a $30 price tag. While the release date and the price tag are yet to be confirmed (but here’s hoping they are), Famitsu also had the first screens of the game confirming its existence.
That’s right; One of the best horror games of all time is coming back and it’s going to be better than ever.
The PlayStation 2 version of the game had a number of extras that the Cube version was lacking, but the graphics were a noticeable step down. The PC version was a port of the PS2 version and while it looked nicer in someways due to higher resolutions, it actually looked worse overall due to drastically scaled back lighting.
The Wii version is without doubt going to be the definitive version. Not only does it look as good as the Cube version, but it contains all the extras of the PS2 version and throws in Wii controls on top of that (and rumors say that you’ll be able to play it with the classic controller as well if Wii controls aren’t your thing).
So how will it control? Well, not that differently actually. Movement will be on the nunchuck same as ever, but it’s when you go into aiming mode that things change. Now, instead of aiming using the analogue stick, you’ll be aiming with the wiimote, making it much more precise. The laser pointer has been replaced by an on screen crosshair.
Higher numbers of enemies have reportedly been added to help balance out the effect that has on difficulty. Knife attacks will be done by slashing the wiimote, as will some of the actions you have to perform during custscenes.
Simple, but effective.
So while the jury is still out on Umbrella Chronicles, Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition is looking like a sure fire winner, more so if that rumored price turns out to be correct. We’ll be back with more information next week when Capcom’s Gamers Day gets into full swing.
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