Platinum Dunes Talks A Nightmare Elm Street Sequel, Possibility of 3D

While in attendance at the press junket for the upcoming Platinum Dunes redux of the classic A Nightmare on Elm Street, Dread Central had a chance to catch up with both Brad Fuller and Andrew Form of Platinum Dunes and director Samuel Bayer to talk about what lies in the future of their brand-new Nightmare franchise.
And we all know what that means. Sequel talk.
“Platinum Dunes is very open to the possibility of a Nightmare sequel,” said Form. “It would be amazing to work with Jackie and the cast again. Unfortunately, as far as we know right now, Sam wouldn’t be back to direct the follow-up, but we’d love to come back to Elm Street because Freddy always has a story to tell. We definitely left ourselves open for a sequel so it would be a great privilege to get to do another Nightmare film.”
With Platinum Dunes announcing some time back their intentions to shoot a Friday the 13th sequel in 3D, we asked the pair as to whether or not they’d love to get Freddy on the big screen in all his 3D glory.
Fuller said, “I think that making the Nightmare sequel in 3D is a bigger discussion than for right here in this room. We think that 3D movies have to be designed and written as such. If Eric (Heisserer) and Wesley (Strick) came to us with a Nightmare sequel script that is for a 3D movie, we’d be fools not to make it.”
“Using 3D for a Nightmare sequel has to work conceptually for us, though. I don’t want to shoehorn the story just so we can use 3D technology. I do really think this movie and the visual style would work well within a 3D environment, though, so you never know,” Fuller added.
One surprising moment during the junket came when Bayer mentioned to the press that perhaps his decision to not return to the Nightmare franchise may not be so final.
“Originally I know it was said I wouldn’t be back for a sequel, but in this business, never say never,” explained Bayer. “I still think as a filmmaker, since this is my first feature-length film, that I have a little catching up to do so I’d like to try other things first. But don’t rule me out just yet if there is a sequel. You never know how things work out. I’d love to do it again.”
A Nightmare on Elm Street (Remake) -Trailer #2
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