Farmer Talks Psychopath


The Aussie freaks at Moviehole have a new ongoing feature on their site that’s pretty damn cool. It’s called “Ask a Celeb” (simple, really) and allows readers to submit questions to celebs that they would normally never have a chance to ask.

The latest victim in this round of questioning is The Messengers & Jason X scribe Todd Farmer who has, among many other projects over the years, been trying to get a movie called Psychopath off the ground for a while now with John Carpenter at the helm. Originally it was going to be a video game then a movie, but things have changed.

“Why make a game first? Simple really. We wanted to own the property. So now we’re going the comic book route. Release the comic, make the movie. That’s the plan.” he told the readers at Moviehole. “And when we dive into the movie, Carpenter is attached to direct. Although the project has seen its ups and downs I’m still very excited about it. Psychopath is classic Carpenter along the lines of Halloween and Escape from New York with the heart of Starman.”

Though making a comic to pitch a movie is not an original idea by any means, I’d still at least like to see that aspect of it go down. Of course it’d be awesome to see Carpenter get excited about directing something again, as well, so we’ll hold out hope.

Check out the full Q&A with Todd Farmer for a lot more on the man’s interesting career!

Johnny Butane

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