Rutger Hauer is the Hobo With a Shotgun

Way back in 2007 Jason Eisner created a faux trailer called Hobo With a Shotgun for the Grindhouse trailer competition. It went over big (and how could it not with a title like that?), and as a result last week the filmmaker promised a feature would be on the way with none other than Rutger Hauer as the gun-toting street urchin. He wasn’t kidding! Ready for your first look?
The official Hobo With a Shotgun website has been updated with an exclusive behind-the-scenes video (which you can watch below) that includes the first ever look at Hauer in character. There’s also a production blog to dig on so pull up a seat and get busy!
In addition to that bit of coolness, some concept art was released that gives viewers a first look at “The Plague“, a bounty hunting team hired to hunt down and eliminate the Hobo. Head on over to AICN to dig on it! Look for more on this one really soon!
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