Seed Profits to PETA


Boll gives Seed profits to PETAThough we’ve known it was there for sure for a while now, our own Andrew Kasch got to see it at the last AFM, Uwe Boll has finally issued a press release regarding the footage of animal torture he used to open up his latest film, Seed.

“I wanted to show the world how messed up humans are as a species. If humans were extinct and only animals inhabited Earth, our planet would survive.” Now that’s a good theory and I’m sure there’s probably more than enough sound scientific evidence to support it, but why show the torture of animals to convey your point? Especially if, as Kasch tells us, there’s no context for it at all; it seems to be a series of random images and footage. Even the strongest-stomached horror fan has their limit and for most it’s seeing real animals really being killed.

The footage was taken from PETA, apparently, and (here’s the funny part) Boll has committed to giving 2.5% of all the worldwide profits from Seed to the animal cruelty prevention group. But what if he movie bombs like we have every reason to think it will? I guess PETA won’t be getting that fancy new dress it’s been eyeing. And why such an arbitrary number? Why not an even 5? Germans.

For more on Seed, cause you know you want it, be sure to visit the official Seed site here. The horror movie is due in theaters this Halloween.

Johnny Butane

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