Will the Ghost Rider Sequel Be Uncaged?

Ever since Ghost Rider opened in 2007, it seems like the only person clamoring for a sequel has been Nicolas Cage. Now word is coming out that Columbia is so desperate to get a Ghost Rider sequel into production before the franchise rights revert back to Marvel’s new owners, Disney, that they may rush it into production with a skull not Cage’s bursting into flame.
New York Magazine’s Vulture claims insider confirmation that if Columbia doesn’t get a Ghost Rider 2 rolling before cameras by November 14th, then Marvel/Disney reclaims ownership of the character rights. Though “FlashForward” scribes Scott Gimple and Seth Hoffman, working with David Goyer on an older script he originally wrote, recently turned in their draft for Ghost Rider 2, Nic Cage may be unable to return due to possibly being tied up this fall shooting a third National Treasure flick for (coincidentally) Disney.
Columbia is said to be determined to hang onto the franchise because Ghost Rider somehow grossed $230 million worldwide despite massive suckage, and the studio is in dire need of a proven moneymaking blockbuster for 2011.
For once I am actually on Columbia’s side because I cannot fathom a Disney-fied version of Ghost Rider. What are they going to do? Have Ghost Rider battle Mr. Boogedy?
So what will become of the Spirit of Vengeance? Guess we’ll have to wait and see. Maybe someone should ask Eva Mendes to consult her Magic 8-Ball for the answer?

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