Premiere Update: 2001 Maniacs: Field of Screams at Texas Frightmare Weekend

Some more details have come in for those of you starving for your fix of Tim Sullivan’s 2001 Maniacs: Field of Screams. If you’re in Texas, you’re going to be in for one hell of a good time!
The flick will be making its official premiere at the Texas Frightmare Weekend on April 29th at 9 PM in Dallas, Texas.
Attending the red carpet event will be director Tim Sullivan, Bill Moseley, Kevin “Ogre” Ogilvie, Christa Campbell, Adam Robitel, Ryan Fleming, Kathryn Le, Nicole Rae, Katy Johnson, Asa Hope, Jordan Yale Levine, Larayia Gaston, and Jezebel the sheep. Good ol’ Jezzie will be leading the audience in a rousing drinking game in which every time she appears on screen, a swig of alcohol must be swallowed! Good thing those theaters in Texas serve alcohol along with their Southern pride!
Additionally, the premiere will consist of a costume contest in which audience members are encouraged to come dressed as their favorite Maniac. The winner gets a luncheon date with Sullivan and members of the cast. (Little does the winner realize that THEY will be the lunch! YUM!)
Prior to the screening of the film, local bluegrass band Karl Schifflet and his Troubadour Band will warm up the audience with a performance of songs from the film, including crowd pleaser “The South’s Gonna Rise Again”.
The Maniacs mayhem does not end there, however!
Director Sullivan will be joining the cast for the entire Texas Frightmare Weekend at MANIACS CORNER, a special area set up at the festival where fans can meet and greet the MANIACS all weekend – as well as take a purdy picture with that lovely lamb chop, Jezebel herself!
On Saturday, May 1st, at 2 PM, there will be a special MANIACS panel during which the 20-minute DVD featurette 2001 MANIACS: BEHIND THE SCREAMS will make its premiere.
First Look Studios will release 2001 Maniacs: Field of Screams on DVD July 20, 2010. For more visit the official 2001 Maniacs: Field of Screams Facebook page!
When this year’s round of unsuspecting Northerners fail to show up for their annual Guts ‘N Glory Jamboree, the residents of Pleasant Valley take their cannibalistic carnival on the road and head to Iowa, where they encounter spoiled heiresses Rome and Tina Sheraton and the cast and crew of their “Road Rascals” reality show. Performing “The Bloodiest Show on Earth”, our Southern Maniacs prove more than ratings killers in what John Landis has called “one of the rare sequels that surpasses the original”.

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