DVD Release List: For the Love of Bava

A heaping pile of steaming DVDs are ready for you come April 3rd, 2007 including…
Basketweave (2007)
Directed by Christopher Forbes
I know the amount of original titles are lacking these days, what with every indie horror director trying to find something that will really stand out, but Basketweave? Seariously? That does not invoke any sense of horror whatsoever, so I hope it makes more sense when you actually see the movie. It’s about a young girl who’s spent a decade in an insane asylum after her parents are killed by the titular maniac. She’s been taking a lot of experimental drugs, cause that’s just what goes down in an insane asylum, and is loosing her grip on reality more and more each day. Buy it here!
Black Christmas (2007)
Directed by Glen Morgan
Bob Clark’s original Black Christmas is sited by many as being the first American slasher film, a movie that would go on to influence hundreds of filmmakers over the years which still holds up on viewing to this day. Glen Morgan’s Black Christmas is a run-of-the mill slasher movie without a single ounce of brains or originality to speak of. But hey, the DVD is stacked so that’s all right, yeah? Read Creepy’s DVD review of Black Christmas for more! Buy it here!
Bottom Feeder (2007)
Directed by Randy Daudlin
I’m learned to fear any movie that has “Tom Sizemore in” above the title, though there’s a good chance this is the only one to date. So I guess I fear this movie then, eh? Sizemore stars as a maintenance worker who, along with his crew, are hunted down one-by-one by a giant mutated creature. Check out our exclusive clip from Bottom Feeder here, the head on over to read Creepy’s DVD review of Bottom Feeder to learn even more, then ask yourself the question; is Tom Sizemore enough to carry an entire movie? Let’s hope so! Buy it here!
Godzilla Raids Again (1959)
Directed by Motoyshi Oda
Big man-in-suit action coming atcha again! While out searching for schools of fish, two young pilots discover Godzilla and the spiny-backed Anguirus fighting it out on a tiny Japanese island. For some reason they then find their way to Tokyo and get to smashing buildings as usual. Genius continues their badass feature-packed Godzilla releases with both the Japanese original and heavily cut & dubbed American release, retitled Gigantis. Check out Creepy’s DVD Review of Godzilla Raids Again for more info! Buy it here!
Kidnapped (1998)
Directed by Mario Bava
The infamous “lost” film from master Mario Bava, the story of a gang of thieves hijacks a man’s car after a botched robbery. To make matters worse they take a woman prisoner and make a man drive them to safety who’s got his own set of issues, including a sick child he’s caring for. The film was so shocking it was impounded by an Italian court when it was released under it’s original title Rabid Dogs. The DVD has a newly created opening and end credit sequences and brand-new footage; you can learn more about it in our DVD review of Kidnapped if you’re so inclined. Buy it here!
Mario Bava Collection
Directed by Mario Bava
Anchor Bay ups the ante with a very badass collection of Bava classics. Brand-new transfers and a set of featurettes for each film make up the box set, which includes Black Sunday, about a vengeful witch; Black Sabbath, an anthology of horror tales; The Girl Who Knew Too Much, a gothic masterpiece; Kill, Baby, Kill, another story about a vengeful witch; and Knives of the Avenger, an epic Viking adventure. A must-have! But don’t make my word for it; check out our DVD review of The Mario Bava Collection for more! Buy it here!
Mothra Vs. Godzilla (1964)
Directed by Ishiro Honda
Note to all the land developers out there; don’t ever, ever decide you need to build condos in Tokyo in an area that requires you to suck the ocean dry. You’re only asking for trouble. Such is the story behind Mothra Vs. Godzilla, but the only reason he gets trouble is because he disturbs Godzilla’s sleep, who goes on another Tokyo-destroying rampage. It’s up to the ancient Mothra and his offspring to stop the radioactive lizard. Check out Creepy’s DVD review of Mothra Vs. Godzilla for more. Buy it here!
Supercroc (2007)
Directed by Scott Harper
All right, another Asylum offering, this time ripping off Primeaval (as far as we can tell), which is probably not the best route to take when you’re producing low-budget offerings that mirror theatrical releases. The story is about an elite military unit that is out to stop a giant, mutated crocodile (a supercroc, as it were) from terrorizing the denizens of Los Angeles. C’mon, don’t you think if anyone could deal with such a threat it’d be the people of LA? Buy it here!
Twin Peaks: The Second Season
Directed by Various
David Lynch fans rejoice! The long awaited second season of the mind-bending TV show finally comes to DVD. The second season finally solves the mystery of who killer Laura Palmer, but that doesn’t mean the show is over by any means. Unfortunately the ratings were very low for Season 2 so the show was cancelled, but there was still a lot of freaky stuff going down in the quiet town of Twin Peaks. Check out our DVD review of Twin Peaks: The Second Season for more info! Buy it here!
Zombies Gone Wild! (2007)
Directed by ?
No, no, no. When you’re an upstart company who wants to sell DVDs to horror fans you do not, I repeat do not come up with shitty covers like this. First of all the film is called Zombies Gone Wild, so where the hell are the zombies? All I see is a chick with a big sword. The story is of some morons looking to score during Spring Break who instead come face-to-face with a zombie outbreak. Humor and horror mix, but I get the feeling only a lot of boobs will save this movie. Buy it here!
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