Christine Remake Update

There’s some new creep prowling the halls of Coming Soon who’s getting all sorts of good horror news lately. He must be stopped.
This bipedal freak’s latest scoopage has to do with the long-discussed remake of Christine, one of the increasingly few John Carpenter movies that haven’t already gotten the treatment. Apparently Disturbia co-writer Christopher Landon has been courting the project, taking it out to dinner and buying it some drinks to loosen it up, but he hesitates to reveal too much…
“I’m a fan of the Carpenter version, it is fun.” he told CS. “But the book was much more of a possession story than it was just a killer car. That’s what made the book so great is that what was so terrifying was that it wasn’t just about an inanimate object running around and killing people, it was a boy who was sorta being taken over by the former owner of the car – and there was something more terrifying about that … Right now it’s way too soon say anything else about it. We’re so in the thick of deal-making, I don’t want to blow anything else!”
Fair enough, enough blowing goes on in Hollywood as it is. We’ll keep our ears open for more on the remake as it develops! Be sure if you haven’t already to get your hands on Stephen King’s novel the film is based on (get it through Evilshop, why don’t ya?); it truly is one of his creepiest!
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