Pit & Pendulum Blog

As promised we have more info for you on the stop-motion animated adaptation of Edgar Allan Poe’s The Pit and the Pendulum, which was produced by master animator Ray Harryhausen and directed by “Celebrity Death Match” alum Marc Lougee.
Marc just launched a new blog site that he will use to keep fans informed as to what the status is with the short, which as we reported here is finally getting it’s first few festival dates across North America. Right now there’s a rather lengthy interview with him up from Pegasus News discussing his history and how he got involved with Mr. Harryhausen in the first place. Good stuff!
For more on The Pit and the Pendulum short be sure to visit its official site where you can see the very cool teaser trailer. Tomorrow is the awards ceremony at AFI Dallas, where the film is playing as we speak, so here’s hoping for some good news!
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