Fearnet Gets Raimi

Fearnet is getting ready to come into their own thanks to a deal signed with Sam Raimi’s Ghost House Pictures for two original series to debut on the Comcast On Demand channel according to Variety.
The first series, Devil’s Trade, is about a group of kids who are terrorized by demonic forces after buying something evil online. Happens all the time to me with porn, so this one really speaks to who I am.
The second project will be a prequel to 30 Days of Night, the adaptation of the Steve Niles comic that is out in theaters this October. Both projects are being penned by Tales of the Grudge writer Ben Ketai, with Toby Wilkins (who directed Tales of the Grudge) helming Devil’s Trade.
Each series will consist of seven three-to-five minute long episodes, tapping into the short attention span we all suffer from these days, and they’ll run on the actual cable station, online the Fearnet website, and via Boost Mobile on your cell phone. So really, you’ll have no excuse to not see it, will you?
Stay tuned for more details on the projects as they come in!
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