Code Red Spawning a Slithis DVD

Ah, Slithis … I first saw this little rubber monster ditty when CBS ran it late night back in the Eighties under the alternate title Spawn of the Slithis. Scared the heck out of me as a little kid, not so much as an adult watching it on a horribly murky VHS transfer. Now Code Red is preparing to introduce Slithis to the digital world.
Slithis was writer-director Stephen Traxler’s 1978 homage to monster movies of the Fifties and Sixties. A nuclear leak gives rise to a humanoid reptilian sea creature called Slithis (named such after the radioactive mud from which it spawns and leaves behind). The Slithis emerges from the ocean to terrorize the shores of Venice, California, leaving behind a trail of dead house pets, wino vagrants, fishermen, seaside homeowners, and gigolos that look like Burt Reynolds. I distinctly recall that when it fed on people, it sounded like someone was vigorously slurping soup.
Unfortunately, I also recall the film’s first hour spending entirely too much time focusing on the tedious detective work on the part of the film’s heroic high school journalism teacher, who after donning his finest “Kolchak: The Night Stalker” hat, sets about to do the investigative footwork the inept Venice police fail to.
Code Red will bring Slithis to DVD for the first time ever on June 1st. At the moment there are no further details as to what sort of picture transfer specifics and DVD extras we can expect. Given Code Red’s track record for loading their DVDs, however, I would expect some goodies. More details on that front when Code Red makes the information known.
Code Red has also announced a very limited edition Halloween DVD re-release of the 1982 slasher Madman. Last seen on a now out-of-print Anchor Bay DVD, Code Red’s Madman DVD will feature all the Anchor Bay extras and a few new on-camera interviews as well as boast a new anamorphic transfer.
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