Wahlberg is Happening


Mark Wahlberg to star in The HappeningNow this is some very fine news, indeed. The Hollywood Reporter has let it be known that Mark Whalberg has signed on to star in M. Night Shyamalan’s The Happening, the latest and hopefully scariest of Shyamanlan’s career.

The story is of a family on the run from an apocalyptic threat to mankind that has something to do with plants, but that’s about all we know right now. The usual tight web of secrecy is surrounding this one, at least for now, but I’m fine with the knowledge that this will be M. Night’s first purposeful “R” movie and that he has every intention of making it scary.

Whalberg will take on the role of Elliot Moore, a science teacher at the heart of the story. I don’t think anyone would argue that Mark’s come into his own over the past decade or so when it comes to acting so he’s a great choice for the lead. This one’s looking pretty damn good so far!

Johnny Butane

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