New Movie The Shark to Feature 100% Practical Effects with NO CGI


In this age of CGI dominating the effects landscape, it’s great to see a film come along that throws computer visuals out the window and goes back to using good old practical effects. The Shark (Kickstarter) is one such film, and while it’s name won’t win any prizes for originality and it probably won’t look uber-convincing, I’ll take a practical shark over something slapped together in an effects lab any day.

From the Press Release:
Small town, big creek, huge problem! A thrilling shark film that returns to the roots of the classic horror genre — with no CGI.

It’s JAWS meets JAMES BOND in this action-packed suspense thriller. Vicarstown has been invaded by the ultimate predator — a ten-foot Great White shark! Upon the death of a loved one, local Marine Biology professor Peter Diller is accused of murder. His initial cry of “shark” is disregarded by the unconvinced law enforcement, but suspicions change as more locals begin to disappear and the body count climbs.

Together, they fish for clues related to the townspeople’s deaths. With the Mayor on temporary leave and his pro-tem assistant, Mr. Lewis, in charge, the deaths are covered up to keep the townspeople from prying into what’s hidden beneath the surface: a sunken treasure. As Peter and the sheriff, Frank Hammer, discover the secrets related to the shark and the sudden presence of certain suspicious figures, they also realize there’s more to the situation than meets the eye. It all leads up to a spectacular showdown between the town and the shark.

What initially began as a 12-page short story became a 120-page finalized screenplay in a matter of years. Carty, obsessed with the shark sub-genre, decided to revitalize and regenerate the “Summer of the Shark” with his very own entry to the film world: THE SHARK.

Instead of utilizing an overload of JAWS homages and a plague of CG, Carty went a different route and handpicked the most notable elements from the past 40 years of shark films and combined them with new, innovative ideas.

Unlike more recent entries in the genre such as SHARKNADO, GHOST SHARK, and the upcoming HOUSE SHARK, this film is not relying on a gimmick; rather, THE SHARK will offer a much-needed breath of fresh air for fans of the genre. The story is full of adventure, drama, and thrilling suspense!


the shark poster (1)


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