Abandoned DVD Art, Date


Abandoned on DVD!When After Dark Films decided that Nacho Cerda’s feature-length deubt, The Abandoned (review) was worthy enough to get a solo release, I felt just a bit justified in loving it so damn much. Easily one of the best of the 8 films they threw out to the public as part of the first annual Horrofest, now we’ve got what will hopefully be a sexy DVD release to look forward to, as well.

The fiends at Fangoria got their greasy paws on the cover art, which is pretty cool if you ask me, as well as the details of the DVD release via Lionsgate. The Abandoned comes home on June 19th and though the features for it have not been solidified, the mag has learned that they will be lacking at best.

That’s a shame because I’m sure Cerda’s got more than enough behind-the-scenes footage to work with, but I hope they at least give the man a commentary. Anyone who’s ever had the pleasure of speaking with Cerda knows how intelligent and insightful he is and I’d love to get his take on certain aspects of the film.

We’ll let you know when there’s more to share!

Johnny Butane

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