Transfusion Helmer Wolfs Out


Bad Moon Rising (click to see it bigger)It happens every few years, it seems. Someone out there decides its time to get back to basics and make a truly kick-ass werewolf movie again, sickened by what movies like Underworld and Blood & Chocolate have done to lycanthropes. But it’s so rare that those films ever see the light of day, I almost don’t want to hope for it anymore.

This time out the man proclaiming he will make another badass, practical (not CG) werewolf film is Automaton Transfusion helmer Steven C. Miller. His MySpace page got an update a few days back announcing that movie, Bad Moon Rising (no relation to the similarly-titled 7th Howling movie, thank the Gods), describing it as “A back to the basics, Bone crunching, Skin ripping, Hell of a ride.” which sounds pretty damn good to me. Industry Entertainment (the folks behind The 25th Hour and Masters of Horror, to name a few) are producing Bad Moon Rising, which is being shopped around to studios as we speak.

Please, someone out there, give this kid the budget he needs to make this movie a reality. We need a new, scary werewolf film to remind us why these creatures are our favorites. We can only watch An American Werewolf in London and Full Eclipse so many times, you know.

Check out the latest blog entry on the aforementioned MySpace page for a look at more storyboards like the one you see here, which were incidentally done by Rob McCallum, the same artist who did the badass boards for Land of the Dead! Check out his official site right here for more of his amazing work!

Johnny Butane

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