Radiohead’s Burn the Witch Stop-Motion Music Video Channels The Wicker Man

If you still haven’t seen Robin Hardy’s classic 1973 horror film The Wicker Man, then get the hell off your computer and watch it right now. No one can call him/herself a horror fan with a straight face if they haven’t seen The Wicker Man. Believe me… watching the original will completely wash away the foul taste left by Nicolas Cage shouting “Oh, God, not the bees!” in the shitty 2006 remake.
The influence of the original film has reached so far and wide that even the enormously popular band Radiohead, who have sold over thirty million albums worldwide, have based their latest music video around it. That’s right; their new song, “Burn the Witch,” has a downright incredible video which basically retells the story of The Wicker Man using stop-motion reminiscent of the British children’s TV series “Trumpton.”
Have a look below, but keep in mind that it spoils the ending of the film, so seriously make sure that you’ve watched it beforehand.
The video comes from director Chris Hopewell, who has also helmed videos for The Killers and Scissor Sisters, and was conceived and shot in only fourteen days, as revealed via his Instagram account. And that’s no mean feat, considering how infamously time-consuming stop-motion animation can be.
If you like what you see (and it’s pretty hard not to), then go here to order the full album.