Author Eric Havens Writing a Horror Novel in Real Time

When it comes to writing a novel, people usually think of an endless process of mapping out ideas, writing, editing, and re-writing before anything even resembling a finished book comes to fruition. Author Eric Havens decided to throw that out the window and is literally writing a horror novel on his website in real time, with no editing or re-writing allowed.
George R. R. Martin could sure learn a thing or two from Mr. Havens as it seems like the next Song of Ice and Fire book won’t be release before the end of the century.
Screenwriter and novelist Eric Havens, known mostly for writing the Jill Sixx-directed horror film shorts Call Girl and The Stylist, has started a bold project on his site He is writing a horror-esque novel in real time, meaning a new chapter is written and published every day with no retroactive editing or rewriting allowed.
The novel itself is about a woman working as a soul collector for the Devil in a post-apocalyptic world. The story wasn’t heavily outlined or planned so we will all see what the story evolves into at the same time the author does.