Roth Wants a Chaotic Cell

Eli Roth is out promoting again, though this time it’s actually not one of his own movies. He’s been chatting up Grindhouse all over the place, in which he has a small role and directed the faux trailer Thanksgiving Day for, so of course someone had to ask him about Cell (book review), which is the project he’s onto next after Hostel Part II
“I want to keep, not necessarily that same chaotic tone, but I want to keep the tension of the opening 40 pages of the book going throughout the whole film and introduce other elements,” Roth told Sci Fi Wire. “Because I think the book, for me, where it loses tension is where suddenly you don’t feel like the phone crazies are trying to kill them. … I find that it’s finding other ways to make it so you still feel the tension that any second you could get killed [and] carrying that throughout the whole film.”
Anyone who’s read Cell should know what he’s talking about with the dip in action and personally I couldn’t agree more. Roth went on to say that he’d like to shoot the movie in Boston, where it is set and Roth is from originally, which should hopefully be easier for him thanks to the recent tax incentives we’ve got in place here. He also wants King to cameo in the movie, just like in the old days.
“That’s the good thing about Cell. Because it’s like crazy people running around trying to [kill you] It’s like everybody gets a cameo.”
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