Behind the Grind


Behind the scenes of Grindhouse!With all the hype that’s been surrounding the release of Grindhouse, from the early rumors that Tarantino had gone over budget to the casting changes and now the concern about whether or not audiences in the US will “get it”, its kinda nice to see some good, old-school EPK (electronic press kit) action going on for the film. Simple. Easy. But badass in and of itself.

IGN’s got it, specifically a 20+ minute look behind the scenes of Grindhouse featuring interviews with pretty much everyone involved in making the movie happen, from the directors to the stars. I’ve not sat through the entire thing, but what I have seen is pretty damn sexy!

Click here for the behind the scenes look at Grindhouse, courtesy of IGN, and get even more about the movie over at the official Grindhouse site. And make sure you get your friends and neighbors to go see it on April 6th; success for this means more down the road and you can never have enough sleaze in the cinema!

Johnny Butane

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