Blob Gets Acronym’d


A new remake of The Blob is just not the same without Shawnee Smith and now that she’s back in the limelight thanks to the Saw franchise, I hope she’s able to come back for the new one.

Maybe that’s just my crush talking, though. The Hayes Brothers, who most recently penned the script for the Hillary Swank apocalypse flick The Reaping, have been given the assignment to remake The Blob again which they recently told Coming Soon they were at first very reluctant to do;

“We thought about it, because you want to pay homage to those creature features. It was just fun and we thought what if our own government created this thing? It got out in the ’50s, we know what it did then and we know how to contain it. Now let’s say, it’s stolen, like, from North Korea or something…” Their solution? Biological Lethal Organic Bomb or, simply put, B.L.O.B.

Gotta give out some props for at least trying to do something new with the remake and they’re intentions with the film seem genuine; they just want to see an old-school monster movie made. Nothing wrong with that. It’s just gonna be hard to top the Chuck Russell-directed Frank Darabont-scripted 1988 Blob, so I hope the brother are up to the challenge.

No word on when B.L.O.B. might actually happen yet, but we’ll be sure to let you know when there is!

Johnny Butane

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