Plissken Prequel Confirmed


Snake Plissken's origins?For those of you who freaked out over the thought of Escape From New York being remade, some news has come down from IGN that may help to ease your mind.

The other day we reported on an interview in which John Carpenter speculated that the planned remake might actually be more of a prequel, telling the backstory of anti-hero Snake Plissken. Producer Neal Moritz chatted with Entertaiment Weekly and confirmed that yes, the film will be a prequel, telling the story of how “Snake became Snake” and that it’s almost an origin story.

I don’t know about you but a film in which we’re shown how somebody became somebody sure sounds like an origin film to me…

Does it seems strange to go back and tell the origin of a character that no one’s seen in over a decade? And will it still be called Escape From New York if they’re not actually escaping from anywhere? I guess we’ll have to wait for all these questions to be answered when Gerard Butler (pictured) steps into Kurt Russell’s shoes and eyepatch later this year.

Johnny Butane

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