Exclusive: Re-Animator Comes to Masters?


Barbara Crampton Talks House of Re-Animator!One of the biggest thrills for me at this weekend’s Fear Fest was meeting the one and only Barbara Crampton, likely best known to horror fans as Meg from Re-Animator. She was very nice, very genuine and it certainly doesn’t hurt that she still looks amazing after all these years!

Of course we had to ask her about the status of House of Re-Animator since we’ve heard from both producer Brian Yuzna (who said they were still planning on doing a total of three more), Jeffrey Combs and Stuart Gordon (both of whom said it was all up to coming up with the cash); if nothing else we wanted to know what she thought of the idea.

What she had to say was very interesting; apparently since there is such an issue with funding and because the script is a parody of the Bush administration, there is some talk of making House of Re-Animator Stuart’s next Masters of Horror episode. Personally I think that is the best choice as if the next season is green lighted by Showtime the funding will automatically be there, and it will get the episode out before there’s no Bush administration to satirize anymore.

Of course there’s nothing set in stone until the season is good to go and Gordon decides if it’s really what he wants to do next, but we can hope!

Johnny Butane

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