Exclusive: Midnight Man Trailer Seen!


We’ve seen a lot of good stuff at Fear Fest today, but probably the biggest surprise was when Feast writer Marcus Dunstan, director John Gulager and co-star Diane Goldner got on stage for our Feast panel.

I’ll get to the surprise in a minute, though. For some strange reason no one had any questions about Saw IV, which Dunstan co-wrote with Feast writer Patrick Melton, but the question of a Feast sequel was asked and Gulager said that if it does happen, which it’s looking like more and more every day it will, the story is going to be a lot bigger and will likely finally reveal the origins of the creatures. Nothing’s solid happening with it yet though so details were sparse.

The big surprise came when Dunstan handed me a DVD of the trailer they shot for The Midnight Man, the first film Dunstan and Melton (who sadly couldn’t make it because of illness) are doing as part of their deal with Dimension. Seems they went out and shot a trailer with Gulager running camera, Goldner staring and Dunstan directing, which they used to convince the Weinsteins to fund the movie, which obviously worked.

So what is The Midnight Man about? Apparently the story involves a thief who is sent back into a house he’s robbed previously to fix a botched job. When he gets there, however, he discovers that a killer has taken the family hostage and is torturing them relentlessly. A fit of morals convinces the thief he has to save their life and he goes one-on-one with the killer.

The trailer was badass to say the least and happily those in attendance at Fear Fest were the first to see it outside of the Dimension offices! Hopefully it’ll be online at some point so you can see it for yourselves. Needless to say we’ll be keeping a close eye on The Midnight Man as it develops!

Johnny Butane

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