Shane Black Talks The Predator Setting; Schwarzenegger’s Possible Return

Director Shane Black is gearing up production on The Predator, but before this badass hunter gets in front of the camera, Collider talked with Black to get the early word on what to expect.
Speaking about the possible return of Arnold Schwarzenegger as the much beloved character of Dutch…
“We have not talked about it, which is good because I’m not supposed to talk about it anyway. Not supposed to talk about details of the script. And I shouldn’t,” says Black. “I think it’s something we’re looking into, and as this thing evolves and takes on more of a shape, we’ll figure out how best to honor the tradition of what is really a remarkable first movie and even parts of the rest of them as well.”
Black also stated that The Predator “will be set in present day.” Hit the above link for the whole enchilada.
The new reboot/sequel, being directed by Black (Iron Man 3) from a script he co-wrote with Fred Dekker (The Monster Squad), has been dated for release on March 2, 2018.
Check back soon for more on the progress of The Predator.