Borderland Trailer & Pics Gallore!

I don’t know about you, but my threshold for fucked up shit is pretty broad to say the least. Finding out there was a gay cannibal living in the suburbs of Wisconsin? Didn’t really surprise me much. Finding out there is a whole community of people who still practice human sacrifice? Now that would freak me out.
Luckily it’s all happening in the confines of a film, specifically Zev Berman’s Borderland, which debuted at South by Southwest on the 11th and has been getting some very strong reviews since. Today we got our hands on a whole slew of stills from the film (scroll down for ’em), which stars Rider Strong (Cabin Fever), Jake Muxworthy (I Heart Huckabees) and Brian Presley (Crazy Love) as three friends who stumble upon a cult that still practices human sacrifice on a trip to Mexico. Again, another great reason why you should stay in your country for now; not even Mexico is safe anymore!
Since the film played South by Southwest, a trailer was necessary to show off what was coming, and I gotta say they did a damn fine job of cutting one together. Looks creepy as hell. Click here for the Borderland trailer, now in our Broadband section.
Borderland is produced by Lauren Moews, she of both Cabin Fever films, and will likely be looking at some sort of release through Lionsgate later this year. Enjoy the pics below for now, and keep it here for more on Borderland as we learn it!

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