Thom Carnell’s Moonlight Serenades Short Story Collection Arriving Soon

If you’ve been haunting Dread Central for a few years, you should recognize the name Thom Carnell… a contributor to the site who’s also the publisher of Carpe Noctem and author of No Flesh Shall Be Spared. He has a new collection of short stories on the way entitled Moonlight Serenades, which you should definitely put on your radar.
The book is coming soon from Zed Presents… and Crossroad Press. It is comprised of seventeen stories of the otherworldly, seventeen tales of the supernatural designed to chill, consternate, and entertain you.
From returning heroes (three stories feature Cleese, the iconic hero of No Flesh Shall Be Spared), mountain ghosts, zombies, and vampires on the hunt to a world where social stature is determined by what kind of clown you are, Moonlight Serenades heralds Carnell’s triumphant return to fiction writing.
“If no one else writes another zombie story, readers should be happy to have Thom Carnell’s homages to Romero as the last undead fiction ever. But if you think you can limit Carnell to just the zombie genre, you are mistaken. MOONLIGHT SERENADES is proof of a writer willing to knock down the barriers of what genre fiction can do and should do. When Carnell writes about a punch or a kick, you know he knows what it feels like to throw that punch or kick and to get punched or kicked just the same way. This is not limited to the purely physical. Carnell’s true art is that he knows emotional pain and grief, love and loss just as much as he knows the different ways to hold and use a knife. Readers can come to MOONLIGHT SERENADES for the detail and action in the “Cleese” stories but should stay for the music and humanity in stories such as “When I Fall in Love, It Will Be Forever” and the jazz carnival centerpiece “Clown Town.” ~ TJ Tranchell, author of Cry Down Dark
We have the cover art below to give you an idea of the tone Carnell is going for. You can read the intro to “Clown Town” on his website (, which you should keep your eyes on to learn when Moonlight Serenades is available to order.