New Line Goes to War

New Line is just grabbing all sorts of cool properties all of a sudden, aren’t they? The other day it was announced they’d be behind the proposed remake of John Carpenter’s Escape From New York, today Variety is reporting that they plunked down the right figures to scoop up movie rights for the insanely popular video game Gears of War.
The really good news is that they’ve got Stuart Beattie on board to pen the adaptation and while his name may not jump out at you, I’m sure you’ve all heard of a set of movies called Pirates of the Caribbean? He created the characters for all three movies and had screenwriting duties on 30 Days of Night, so he’s got some skills on his side.
For those without an XBox 360, first of all you’re missing out and should go get one right away. Second of all, Gears of War is set on a planet similar to Earth that has been overrun by an alien intelligence called Locusts and puts you in the shoes of Marcus Fennix who, along with a team of fellow elite soldiers, fight to take the planet back at all costs.
The only thing that concerns me is how they’re going to find such HUGE actors to fill in the roles; have you seen how big some of these guys are in the game? It’s almost comical. And I hate to say it, but I really think I could see The Rock doing well in a supporting role in this movie … But it’s too early for casting now; first we have to conjecture which music video director is going to be hired to helm the Gears movie…
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