New Hostel II Clip, Roth Blogs


Eli Roth copyright LionsgateYou can tell things are winding down for Hostel: Part II because director Eli Roth is slowly making his way back online again. Usually the guy is updating his MySpace page on a regular basis but for some reason when he’s shooting a movie that falls by the wayside. Right, like making a movie is hard or something.


Anyway, he just updated his MySpace page not only with a creepy exclusive clip from Hostel: Part II, but a new blog post explaining why he wasn’t at South by Southwest and why Dead Silence worked so well for him. I know it might sound naïve, but I really hope his praise for Dead Silence gets more people out to see it; it deserves to do better than it has so far.

If that’s not enough Roth wisdom for you, his first MTV blog has also shown up online, in which he discusses what it was like to shoot Hostel: Part II, which he went into right after finishing work on the first film. Now he seems to be resting, or at least allowing himself some writing time, though I doubt it’ll be long before he begins work on Cell. Click here to check out the first of an ongoing series of blogs on!

Johnny Butane

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