A Snake Prequel?

Being a writer myself, for my money there’s nothing like reading a really good interview conducted by someone who you can tell is not only a fan of their subject, but does his or her research beforehand, as well.
Such is the case with a new interview with the one and only John Carpenter that just made its way onto Suicide Girls’ site. It was done by Daniel Epstein, one of the gents I got meet on my Wrong Turn 2 set visit many moons ago, and covers a helluva lot of ground. Everything from sports to videogames to Masters of Horror is discussed and it all comes across as a very natural conversation without the usual pussyfooting people seem to take with Carpenter.
So what’s the point? Well, aside from containing classic lines like “I’ll be involved with anything if it pays me money”, Carpenter gave out a potentially interesting bit of info about the proposed Escape From New York remake, which may or may not bode well for us fans…
“I don’t know that it’s a remake,” he considered when Epstein questioned him. “I think it’s a lot about Snake before he gets to New York.” Which would make calling it Escape From New York a bit awkward, no? Of course Carpenter is serving as executive producer on the project to assure that the character remains intact but also, he says, “to extend my hand and have a check placed in it”, so who knows how in the loop he actually is.
Whether it turns out to be a mistake or not, the interview is still damn good so be sure to click here to check it out!
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