Days of the Dead April 2016 – Photos and Event Coverage

You can always spot the horror convention from a block away just by looking at the various vehicles parked in front: a couple of hearses, a pimp-my-ride styled VW Bug that looks like it just came off the set of Mad Max, and of course the custom-painted muscle car emblazoned with the twisted grimaces of our favorite vile villains. You’ll see assorted cosplayers outside having a smoke or taking selfies, kids dressed up as Chucky or Sam, and the obligatory bottled water salesman hawking his mountain spring wares.
We’ve seen all this before at the Burbank Airport Marriott in Southern California, but we’ve never seen it done Days of the Dead style. This location has a longstanding history of horror conventions. First it was Fangoria’s, then Creation’s, then Monsterpalooza was there for years. Now Days of the Dead has slithered in and brought with it all the usual suspects.
Speakers, signers, and guests included Tobin Bell (Saw), Fairuza Balk (The Craft), Sid Haig (Spider Baby), Bill Moseley (The Devil’s Rejects), Tony Todd (Candyman), Amber Benson (“Buffy the Vampire Slayer”), Lisa and Louise Burns (“The Shining Twins”), Jordan Ladd (Cabin Fever), Eileen Dietz (The Exorcist), Brinke Stevens (Slumber Party Massacre), Emmanuelle Vaugier (Saw II), Camille Keaton (I Spit on Your Grave), and even a couple of unusual suspects: L.A. icons Rodney Bingenheimer and Kato Kaelin, non-actors who star in the new shlock horror indie B.C. Butcher (“the world’s first pre-historic slasher,” which was directed by a 17-year-old girl).
The con opened to fanfare on Friday, then segued into its busiest day, Saturday, April 2. The main floor was filled to the gills with art, clothing, foodstuffs, and autograph ops. Next door was the temporary tattoo parlor, in which several different artists offered ink on the spot.
There were film and short screenings running from noon till night. The panel room had a great line running all day long, back-to-back. Sid Haig spoke about his long and storied career, then Tony Todd and Bernard Rose shared the stage, mostly jawing on Candyman. After them came Tobin Bell, who advised everyone to “clear your calendar for Halloween 2017” because he believes there will be another Saw movie by then!
The biggest and most well-attended event of the day was the Etheria Film Panel, which featured female filmmakers, both established and up-and-coming. We got to hear from Kansas Bowling (B.C Butcher), Anna Elizabeth James (Zone 2), Patricia Chica (“A Tricky Treat”), Amber Benson (“Shevenge”), Chloe Okuno (“SLUT”), Kristina Klebe (“As Human As Animal”), Barbara Stepanksy (Substance), Rebecca McKendry (“Found”), Mary Russell (“Carved”), and special guests Jackie Kong film director (Blood Diner) and Rena Riffel (Showgirls 2: Penny’s From Heaven). The panel was ably moderated by journalist and film author Alyse Wax (author of Curious Goods: Behind the Scenes of the Friday the 13th TV Series).
After that, there was a costume contest along with a tattoo beauty pageant (unisex, natch).
All in all, it was a fun and horror-filled weekend courtesy of Days of the Dead. We can hardly wait to do it all again next year!
Photo Credit: Aaron Kai