Exclusive: Director Marc Fehse Talks Sky Sharks

Sky Sharks is, by far, one of the craziest and most exciting looking upcoming horror movies. Nazis riding on giant flying sharks!?! That idea alone has me sold.
The film sounds so damn awesome that we decided to talk to director Marc Fehse to understand how such a brilliantly crazy idea developed.
Dread Central: Without meaning to sound critical, have you faced a lot of comparisons to, ahem, that film series about sharks dropping out of the sky, and do you think that they are warranted?
Marc Fehse: I loved Shark Movies since I was 7 years old. By the time The Asylum came on the market with their crazy ideas of Mega Sharks eating planes, etc., I was already in love with these flicks. BUT I came from doing horror movies, and my first movie back in 1996 was a zombie film called Mutation, where German Nazis were doing experiments on super soldiers.
And one night I had this dream where I saw zombie Nazis on flying sharks attacking planes… yes, there were some comparable ideas, but none of those movies had Nazi zombies riding the sharks – this is new – and we are also totally different in how we handle the blood FX and the CGI level and the story and many more things. So I will give comparisons to other movies, and I think this is okay – like in the music industry. Every song is still there, and every day a new song comes out.
DC: So why did you decide to go with Nazis on flying sharks? That’s one hell of an awesome premise.
MF: So many zombie flicks are out there. Some of them are good, some are not. Many Nazi zombies movies are out there, but most of them are not that good. So I combined them. Loving shark movies, loving zombie movies – let’s combine these, and let’s make a kind of ultimate pulp movie… two genres + a lot of blood and action = lots of fun!
DC: How did you get horror legend Tony Todd on board, and what was he like to work with?
MF: Tony Todd was from the very beginning an actor I wanted to have on board, so we wrote a role for him, the role of the General Frost. Yazid, our partner, wrote to his management saying that we’d like to work with Tony, but every answer was a “no.” Last year he was in Germany for a huge event, where we were also, and he met us in the hotel bar and start talking about the project and I showed him the trailer and he was excited and so we came together and shot his scenes for two days. It was so great to work with him. He is an excellent actor and a really nice guy! Love to work with him again! Love you, Tony!
DC: You don’t have a huge budget, so how were you able to manage the pretty awesome effects?
MF: When you put all your energy, all your passion and creativity, and when you have partners and friends who also do, than you can manage most of the things you want to do. Our co-producers are called “Digitale” and there are really good in VFX. Also my own company worked in this sector over for 15 years.
DC: Do you feel that you achieved your aim of creating the ultimate cult movie?
MF: I don’t know what I feel and what I created, but I know that many people out there like that idea. I think you cannot plan a cult movie – you still do it and the audience decides what your movie will be. 😉
DC: Any possibility of a sequel?
MF: YES, and a prequel! 😉 Don’t ask – I can’t give you more information at this time, but we have more great and crazy ideas for it! Now – we need to finish the first one. Love to see you all next year in the cinema when our sharks fly!
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xilSOkluStI]