The Amityville Legacy Leaves Behind an Official Trailer and Image Gallery

When you think about the “legacy” of a certain very famous house in Amityville, New York, you have to take the good with the bad. Which side of the fence will The Amityville Legacy fall on? We’ll find out later this year when it hits VOD and DVD/Blu-ray, but in the meantime, here’s the first trailer and a half-dozen images from the film, which offer up a few clues.
Written and directed by Dustin Ferguson and Mike Johnson and produced by 42nd Street Films and Sinister Studios, The Amityville Legacy follows a cursed antique toy monkey from the original DeFeo home as it wrecks havoc and possesses a father after being gifted during an annual family reunion.
It stars Julia Farrell, Mark Popejoy, Schuylar Craig, Jennii Caroline, Jade LaFont, and Colby Coash.
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