Girl Next Door Site Live


Girl Next Door site is live!The folks over at Twitch Film got word that the official site for the first adaptation of Jack Ketchum’s infamous novel, The Girl Next Door (book review), is finally open for business with some pretty cool stuff to dip your fingers into.

For anyone who’s read the story you know that it involves a cast of children for the leads, with the exception of one major character being an adult, and I can’t imagine how difficult it must have been for director Gregory M. Wilson to work with the kids, especially considering the subject matter. That’s a brave bunch of filmmakers right there.

Be sure to check out the official Girl Next Door site for more on the film, including a whole slew of production photos. We’ve heard there may be a press screening of the film this week in NYC so keep your eyes peeled for an early review if we can confirm it!

Johnny Butane

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