Some Things Should Stay Buried In The Trailer For Witch Child


Currently in post-production, the occult-based horror film Witch Child is set to be hitting festivals later this year after being successfully funded via Kickstarter.

It tells the story of an archeologist who unwillingly awakens an ancient evil when he disturbs its resting place and stars Stephanie Dostal, Alaina Beauloye, Joe Thompson, Nathan Potter, and Mark Clinton, with duo Angie and Andrew Johnson-Schmit directing.

They’ve got an official website set up and have also released a pretty effective trailer, and I think that the main thing for us to take away from all this is that we should never, ever go around disturbing graves. Especially extremely creepy ones that are said to be the resting places of evil witches. You never know what you might unleash…

Witch Child is the story of what happens when you mess with the wrong grave. Archeologist Adam Thorne moves his reluctant wife and teenage daughter to rural Arizona for a job excavating an unmarked graveyard. Discovering an unusual coffin, Adam ignores his work crew’s warning and opens it. Inside are the bones of a young girl, shackled and buried face down as punishment for the crime of witchcraft.

Adam realizes he is out of his depth when the malevolent ghost attacks those closest to him. An unconventional ex-priest may be the only hope to save Adam’s family from the witch child’s wrath.


Witch Child (1)


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