See Mutant Birth


Imagine this scenario: You’re invited to a once-in-a-lifetime chance to sit down and have breakfast with Wes & Jonathan Craven in celebration of The Hills Have Eyes 2, which the duo wrote. Fox Atomic serves up a massive amount of delicious breakfast treats for your slavering mouth, and just when you feel you can’t eat any more, they gleefully announce that you’re about to see some exclusive, never-before-scene footage from the film. They show you a scene called, simply, “Birth” … and your intestinal fortitude is truly tested to its limits.

Not only is it repulsive, it’s how the movie begins, and now you can check it out for yourself by hitting up Fox Atomic’s Restricted section. Just make sure you haven’t eaten recently. And needless to say, this is NOT WORK SAFE.

Hills 2 mutant birth online!

Johnny Butane

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