Chris Alexander Named Fangoria Magazine’s New Editor


Chris Alexander Named Fangoria Magazine's New EditorThere’s been a good bit of speculation bouncing around the Internet lately over the fate of what most consider an institution in our genre: Fangoria Magazine. Now things are a little clearer, but there are still a few loose ends yet to be tied up.

Chris Alexander, who on his website describes himself as “a lifelong cineaste and experimental music composer, obsessed with eccentric horror movies, weird romance, arcane sexuality, and spacey, strange sounds” sent around an announcement of his “latest adventure as the new Editor of legendary NYC based horror magazine Fangoria, taking over duties from longtime Editor (20 years) and gentleman of genre journalism, Tony Timpone.

Here are a few excerpts from Chris’ statement: “…I’m both honored and a little bit shaken by this new role … my dream job, actually. It’s all rather surreal…

Those of you who have followed my words in the pages of Canadian periodical Rue Morgue (where I first got my start as a film journalist) or daily Toronto newspaper Metro, or heard my endless blather on radio or television, or – Heaven forbid – had the chance to share space with me in the flesh as a student in my film history class…you all know one thing is certain: that I absolutely LIVE for cinema, specifically dark, oddball, horror, cult, and exploitation cinema.

That passion, that manic, tireless energy has driven me my entire life, and it’s that deep love for the history and future of macabre film and fiction that I plan to harness and bring to the pages of Fangoria this year and, hopefully, beyond…

If that does transpire, then bravo, Chris! Having a bit of new life injected into an iconic fixture on the horror scene like Fangoria can only benefit all of us.

But nothing in Chris’ release mentions the website, Fangoria Radio, or in what capacity, if any, some of the older staffers, like Timpone of course, might be remaining with the publication. Most likely a follow-up announcement from Fangoria’s corporate side is forthcoming; we’ll let you know what we find out.

Debi Moore

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