Jason Mewes Joins Fear Fest!

All right, we’re just outside of a week until Fear Fest, March 23rd-25th, and you’d think by now we’d be all done announcing guests for the show, right? I mean with a lineup that includes Tobe Hooper, Joe Dante, Kane Hodder, Tony Todd, Rody Piper, David Arquette and Andrew Divoff, we’ve gotta run out of room eventually, right?
Thankfully our most recent additions won’t take up a lot of room.
We just got official word that Jason Mewes, aka Jay from Kevin Smith’s series of Jersey movies, will be joining in with David Arquette on the Tripper panel scheduled for Sunday, March 25th, and WWE/TNA superstar diva Jacqueline Moore will be jumping into our Sin-Jin Smyth panel on Saturday!
You’re really running out of reasons not to go, as if you had any in the first place, so get your ass over to the official Fear Fest site to get your tickets (which are damn close to being SOLD OUT) right now!
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