Trailer & Pic for Tales From the Dead!


Tales From the Dead pic (click to see it bigger!)We got an e-mail today from an LA-based filmmaker telling us about his first feature film. This is not a rare occurrence by any stretch of the imagination, so you can imagine that it takes something special to grab our attention. This one had it.

It’s called Tales From the Dead, described by its director, Jason Cuadrado, as “Twilight Zone, J-horror style”. While not a new concept, what’s interesting is that Tales is a four-story anthology that was shot entirely in LA using Japanese-speaking talent. A pretty ballsy move to make a Japanese movie on the West Coast, especially considering the director doesn’t speak any Japanese at all. How the hell does that work?

On your right you can see an exclusive still from the film, and if you head on over to our Broadband section, you can check out its trailer. Don’t be alarmed; there’s no dialogue at all, just some creepy music. When you’re all done, more info on Tales From the Dead can be found over at its very slick-looking official site. Dig it!

Johnny Butane

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