Englund on Pad


Frozen head from Killer Pad, courtesy of Almost Human's website!A few days back we did a story linking to an online Playboy interview with the once and future Freddy, Robert Englund (read it here if you’re curious). Though a lot of info was covered, I found it odd, and said so, that no mention of Killer Pad, the new film Englund directed, was made.

Today I got an e-mail from the man who did the interview, Associate Editor Robert DeSalvo, with the word that, in fact, Killer Pad was discussed; there just wasn’t room for it in the blog post. DeSalvo was kind enough to throw both his question and Englund’s response at us just for Dread Central readers! Check it out!

PLAYBOY: You directed 976-Evil years ago and now you’re directing Killer Pad. Tell us about it.

ENGLUND: It’s a teen comedy that took a year of my life from the pitch to post-production. It’s silly and for all of my fans’ children who don’t have their driver’s licenses yet. I’d like to see it in theaters because I think it deserves that. There’s a great new demographic out there for stupid and silly and nasty and smart rolled into one. Maybe the new young-guy film—it’s not your father’s comedy, but it’s not Adam Sandler either. I’ve been calling it smarts and farts. I’m not sure my body clock at my age is able to adapt to directing much more, though. I want to do this movie in Italy because the Italians are much more civilized—I love the three-hour lunch and a bottle of wine. It’s a different way of working.

None of this should really come as a surprise to anyone who’s followed the movie from its outset (save for maybe the bit about Italty); Englund always said he was aiming for a PG-13 rating with Pad, and from the sounds of it he just might get it. To get an idea what you’re in for, check out our exclusive Killer Pad clip right here!

Johnny Butane

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