Trail of Darkness

I know I know. Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher’s Bay was awesome … blah blah blah blah Starbreezes. Jackie Estrado! Horror! Etc.
You’ve heard me blab on about The Darkness for almost a year, but hopefully you’ll be able to see why when you take a look at the new HD trailer that has hosted. Not only will you see some pretty awesome gunplay, but you’re going to see Jackie’s tentacles biting huge great meaty chunks out of enemies and chowing down on them.
You’ll see darklings going batshit crazy on the mob with jackhammers and great big serrated rusty swords, things that look like demon Nazis, cars being thrown around like playthings…
And I know that you’re going to want to be Jackie Estrada and learn more about the game.
Good news then, that sister site of GameVideos, got a few new little pieces of information on the game today as well.
After Riddick got criticized for not having any multiplayer, Starbreeze isn’t making the same mistake; The Darknes is going to feature more than one multiplayer mode. So far we’ve heard about one mode that involves shape shifting, mobsters, and darklings; but just announced is a “Last Human Standing” mode.
Further details have been revealed about that crazy notion of putting a bunch of films and tv shows to play on the in-game TV sets with “over 10 movies, a lot of cartoons and a few series taken from the beautiful world of public domain” that you’ll find spanning six channels.
Right now The Darkness is scheduled for a release this June, coming to PS3 and Xbox 360, and it looks like it should definitely help darken up those long summer days.
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