Halloween Night Escapes the Asylum


You have to hand it to The Asylum. Even when they come up with an original movie that isn’t designed to capitalize on an upcoming big screen release – like Snakes on a Train which I just reported on yesterday – they still manage to produce something that sounds like one. Well, there is a new Halloween film in the works so perhaps this is a preemptive strike on The Asylum’s part? Nah, I shouldn’t give much grief over this one seeing as how the original Halloween has spawned countless clones over the past 25 years.

The title of this October 24th Asylum DVD release is Halloween Night. See, there’s a difference already. According to Fangoria, the plot has to do with serial killer named Christopher Vail that escapes an asylum (RIMSHOT) on Halloween night (DOUBLE RIMSHOT) and proceeds to carve up a group of high school teens having a Halloween party in the house that was his childhood home, the place where he witnessed the murder of his mother. Quoting The Asylum’s own plot synopsis, the killer is seeking to learn what really happened to his mother, and “in order to learn the sick and perverse truth, he must kill everyone in his way, including the family who now lives in the house as well as the guests of the Halloween party.” That’s some mighty fine detective work. I think they ripped this storyline off from my unproduced TV pilot spec script “Michael Myers P.I.”

All jokes aside, I must confessed I’m intrigued by the notion of a psycho slasher trying to unravel the truth behind a murder and yet still feeling the need to brutally slaughter everyone in his way. That’s a twist all right. The Asylum’s website also claims that the story is based on actual events. Googling the name Christopher Vail turned up nothing other than there being a screenwriter with the same name that just got hired to co-write a screenplay for a Mighty Mouse movie. I’m guessing either it’s just a coincidence or he’s a friend of Halloween Night‘s screenwriter (Fangoria critic/reporter Michael Gingold of all people) or somebody’s just getting punk’d.

Speaking of getting punk’d, I’ve heard The Asylum also has something coming up called The 9/11 Commission Report; the prospect of such a film from this company both excites and mortifies me all at the same time.

The Foywonder

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